Trade Union– It’s in the name!
No to the hate and division being peddled by Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage and the other opportunists of the far right.
Dundee City UNISON welcomes the scenes of unity, community and defiance we saw on Wednesday in places like Walthamstow and Brighton against the hate politics and racial violence that we’ve seen in the past week.
It is right to come out in our hundreds and thousands and show that we, who welcome people of all races, creeds and colours into our communities, are the vast majority and those who scapegoat and “other” people and threaten sections of our community are a tiny minority with no vision for a future who will have no welcome in Dundee. In what world is ransacking and burning a library anything other than despicable?
We in the trade unions, and particularly in public services, know only too well how the basic supports people depend on have been hollowed out over past decades. We also know that those who feed lies that scapegoat migrants etc. are the very ones responsible for starving our communities of the vital resources they need.
The UK Tories scapegoated, to get people to look somewhere else when they drove through years of austerity and then crashed the economy to boot. This has given confidence to the likes of Elon Musk, Nigel the city spiv etc., who think they can live it up on the back of a ruined society where profits are screwed out of downtrodden and divided workers. Their sorry foot-soldiers are disposable pawns to them.
We cannot let them win. That’s why we’ll be supporting the call from Stand Up To Racism for people to stand in unity and defiance of the hate-mongers in Dundee City Centre on Saturday a little after 12:30 (Allowing for the local cadets to complete their planned parade etc.).
We will support every one of our members exposed to increasing racism and abuse when doing their jobs and support a zero tolerance approach to any such actions. We demand that employers do likewise.
When Nazis of the EDL and SDL tried to bring their hate to Dundee several years ago, we all came around to oppose them under the slogan Dundee Together. Today our message is that Dundee is Still Together. Nae Pasaran!